* I think that the blog has been designed appropriately as it contains everything that a website or blog about a company/organisation should. It has a logo and a clear title, showing you where you are. The information is neatly organised into paragraphs and the links are bold and easy to see. You know which links you can follow so you can search new things. There is also a small search box for you to navigate around the web, which is helpful as you don't have to go back to a search engine to get anywhere.
* The section headers show clearly what you are reading, so you can easily find certain articles. There is also a date so you know how old the articles are and you can then go on to find out the reliability of the information supplied. There are also photographs so the information is made clearer and you have something to look at as well as read.
* Something that I don't like is how plain it is concerning colour scheme. The main colours are black, white and blue and these colours aren't that appealing when put together. When I look at it, personally it feels formal and uninviting. I don't like the contrast. In my opinion, the more colours the better as long as it isn't too dazzling. When I look at sites, bright colours and patterns attract me so I think that that would be a good thing to add.
* Also, towards the bottom it's just reels and reels of information and it isn't too fun to look at...or read.
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