Monday, 12 May 2008

The best place to study English

The Best Place To Study English


Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to persuade and inform you about our schools English. The school has been studying English since it opened in 1981.


English in this school is one of the few places you can study a range of English activities. The English ranges from creative writing, to writing to pass exams. The whole atmosphere of the English department will blow you away. Don't you want you/your children to get the best English education possible.


One of the Ofsted inspectors, specialising in English education said this " The school for many years has blown me away. One of the main reasons I adore this school is for the English department and its staff. It is the best I have seen for many years and the pupils enjoy learning and coming out with good results at the end of there English school life.


Yours Sincerely,


English Directory Society



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